Puts on Glasses | Empty Seat | Red Dress on Stage | Black and White Movie Clip | Thanks Spouse |
Mentions Honor to be Nominated | Someone Interrupts Speech | References Weight of Award | Thanks the Academy | Thanks Nominees |
Bow Tie on Stage | Strapless Dress on Stage | FREE | Fashion Designer Mentioned | Animated or Stuffed Presenter |
Music Interrupts Speech | Thanks Fans | Movie Wins Two Oscars | Mentions Facebook | Mentions Kids at Home |
Thanks Military | Political Statement | White Dress on Stage | Thanks God | Says Wrong Lines |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
39 events.
1st Oscar Award Winner, Animated or Stuffed Presenter, Award Accepted on Behalf, Black Dress on Stage, Black and White Movie Clip, Bow Tie on Stage, Cries During Speech, Curse or Bleep, Empty Seat, Fashion Designer Mentioned, Mentions Facebook, Mentions Honor to be Nominated, Mentions Kids at Home, Mentions Twitter, Movie Wins Two Oscars, Music Interrupts Speech, One Shoulder Dress on Stage, Political Statement, Puts on Glasses, Red Dress on Stage, References Weight of Award, Says Wrong Lines, Someone Interrupts Speech, Standing Ovation, Strapless Dress on Stage, Thanks Fans, Thanks God, Thanks Military, Thanks Nominees, Thanks Parents, Thanks Spouse, Thanks the Academy, Trips or Stumbles, Trouble Reading Teleprompter, Walks Wrong Way, Wardrobe Malfunction, Wearing Costume, White Dress on Stage, Written Notes for Speech.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes
Movie Wins Two Oscars | Puts on Glasses | Thanks Nominees | Cries During Speech | Thanks Military |
Empty Seat | 1st Oscar Award Winner | Bow Tie on Stage | Thanks Spouse | Mentions Kids at Home |
White Dress on Stage | Mentions Facebook | FREE | Curse or Bleep | Thanks the Academy |
Trips or Stumbles | Written Notes for Speech | References Weight of Award | One Shoulder Dress on Stage | Wardrobe Malfunction |
Black and White Movie Clip | Trouble Reading Teleprompter | Walks Wrong Way | Animated or Stuffed Presenter | Political Statement |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
39 events.
1st Oscar Award Winner, Animated or Stuffed Presenter, Award Accepted on Behalf, Black Dress on Stage, Black and White Movie Clip, Bow Tie on Stage, Cries During Speech, Curse or Bleep, Empty Seat, Fashion Designer Mentioned, Mentions Facebook, Mentions Honor to be Nominated, Mentions Kids at Home, Mentions Twitter, Movie Wins Two Oscars, Music Interrupts Speech, One Shoulder Dress on Stage, Political Statement, Puts on Glasses, Red Dress on Stage, References Weight of Award, Says Wrong Lines, Someone Interrupts Speech, Standing Ovation, Strapless Dress on Stage, Thanks Fans, Thanks God, Thanks Military, Thanks Nominees, Thanks Parents, Thanks Spouse, Thanks the Academy, Trips or Stumbles, Trouble Reading Teleprompter, Walks Wrong Way, Wardrobe Malfunction, Wearing Costume, White Dress on Stage, Written Notes for Speech.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes