Download and Print EUROVISION! Bingo Cards
Print 2 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo Cards for free. Download a PDF with 2 free pages of bingo cards plus instructions and a randomized call sheet. Customize the events, add your own free space, change the BINGO header, or add a fun checkerboard, etc.
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Using a browser, play with 2 pages of EUROVISION! for free. You host a game and invite a guest via a link. If you enjoy the game, purchase more randomly generated pages below and invite all of your family, friends, coworkers!
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EUROVISION! Bingo Cards | | application/pdf | Game, Printable | All PDF Readers | "Fanstastische Show","In den Proben waren sie besser",ABBA wird erwähnt,Alle tragen dieselbe Farbe,Bands im Green Room schwenken Fähnchen,Bands im Green Room winken,Barfuss,Die Kosten werden erwähnt,Ein Bandmitglied ist in eine Fahne gehüllt,Ein Kuss in Richtung Kamera,Ein früherer ESC-Event wird erwähnt,Eine Treppe oder Leiter,Es wird gerappt,Game of Thrones Outfits,Glitzer-Konfetti,Irgendwas mit "Sky" wird gesungen,Komische Aufbauten auf der Bühne,Kostümwechsel in der Nummer,Köttbullar (Fleischbällchen),Osteuropäre wählen einander,Pyrotechnik / Feuer!,Quatsch-Text (binga-bonga-ding-dong),Röhnrad,Schlagzeuger mit nacktem Oberkörper,Sequins,Skandinavier wählen einander,Sänger/in kann spielt ein Instrument,Tiefer Ausschnitt,Traditionelles Kostüm,Tänzer mit nacktem Oberkörper,Unglaubliche Haare,Windmaschine,Zu viel Bräuningscreme
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10 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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100 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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150 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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200 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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300 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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500 pages of EUROVISION! Bingo
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2.95 to 29.95 in 8 packs.
Each order includes a free link to play the game entirely online. Contact us for help.
EUROVISION! Bingo Preview
Host Instructions:
- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes