Higher Power | Depression | Home Group | Care and Concern | Sobriety |
Dry Drunk | Humility | Honesty | Sponsor or counselor | Relapse warning sign |
Chain of Command | Meditation | Celebrate Yourself | Drop | Addiction |
Expectations of Others | Peer Pressure | Escort Procedure | Drug Stigma | Emotional Hookup |
Re-Entry | HIV & Hepatitis C | Truthfulness | Phase Out | Honesty |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
39 events.
12-steps, Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Anxiety, Care and Concern, Chain of Command, Co-occurring disorder, Communication, Depression, Drop, Drug Stigma, Dry Drunk, Emotional Hookup, Engagement, Escort Procedure, Expectations of Others, Groups or organizations, HIV & Hepatitis C, Higher Power, Home Group, Honesty, Honesty, Humility, Job search, Meditation, Peer Pressure, Phase Out, Re-Entry, Relapse warning sign, Sister's Keeper, Sobriety, Sponsor or counselor, Stressors, Structure, Stuffing Feelings, Tolerance, Trigger, Truthfulness, Unhealthy Boundaries.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes
Escort Procedure | Higher Power | Relapse warning sign | Co-occurring disorder | Re-Entry |
Depression | 12-steps | Chain of Command | Sobriety | Emotional Hookup |
Truthfulness | Drug Stigma | Celebrate Yourself | Communication | Sponsor or counselor |
Stressors | Unhealthy Boundaries | Honesty | Groups or organizations | Tolerance |
Care and Concern | Structure | Stuffing Feelings | Addiction | HIV & Hepatitis C |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
39 events.
12-steps, Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Anxiety, Care and Concern, Chain of Command, Co-occurring disorder, Communication, Depression, Drop, Drug Stigma, Dry Drunk, Emotional Hookup, Engagement, Escort Procedure, Expectations of Others, Groups or organizations, HIV & Hepatitis C, Higher Power, Home Group, Honesty, Honesty, Humility, Job search, Meditation, Peer Pressure, Phase Out, Re-Entry, Relapse warning sign, Sister's Keeper, Sobriety, Sponsor or counselor, Stressors, Structure, Stuffing Feelings, Tolerance, Trigger, Truthfulness, Unhealthy Boundaries.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes