FMLA | Salary | Donning | January | Deferred Compensation |
Key Employee | Employee | Qualifying Event | Benefit Wage Ratio | Employer Identification Number |
Discrimination | Substantiation | PAYROLL | Balance | Debit |
Minimum Wage | Financial Statement | January 31 | Bona Fide | Constructive Payment |
CPP | Flexible Spending Arrangement | Wage Attachment | Catch Up Contribution | Furlough |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
196 events.
401k Plan, 457b Plan, ACH, ADA, ADP, APA, ARRA, Account, Address, Adjustments, Adoption Assistance, After Tax, Annuity, April, Attachment, Attendance, August, Backup Withholding, Balance, Base Period, Benefit Ratio, Benefit Wage Ratio, Benefits, Bona Fide, Bonus, CIAPA, COBRA, COLA, CPA, CPP, Cafeteria Plan, Catch Up Contribution, Check 21, Child Support, Circular E, Common Law, Compensation, Compensatory Time, Constructive Payment, Control Group, Credentials, Credit, De Minimis, Debit, December, Deduction, Deferred Compensation, Defined Benefit, Dental Insurance, Dependent Care, Differential Pay, Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit, Disaster Recovery, Discrimination, Dismissal Pay, Disposable Earnings, Distribution, Doffing, Domestic Partner, Donning, E-Verify, EFT, EFTPS, EPA, Earned Income Credit, Education Assistance, Elective Deferral, Employee, Employer, Employer Identification Number, Enterprise Coverage, Excess Deferral, Exempt Employee, Expatriate, External Audit, FICA, FLSA, FMLA, FPC, FUTA, February, Federal Income Tax, Financial Statement, Flexible Spending Arrangement, Friday, Fringe Benefits, Furlough, GAAP, GASB, Garnishee, Garnishment, General Ledger, Golden Parachute, Grace Period, Green Card, Group Term Life Ins, HIPAA, HIRE Act, HRA, HSA, Holidays, I-9, IRS, Income Statement, Income Tax Treaties, Independent Contractor, Internal Audit, Internal Controls, Iowa, January, January 31, July, June, Jury Duty, Key Employee, Leased Employee, Levy, Liabilities, Life Insurance, Long Term Assignment, MSA, Making Work Pay Credit, March, May, Medical Insurance, Medicare, Military Pay, Minimum Wage, Monday, Multi State, Net Pay, New Hire Reporting, Nonaccountable Plan, Nonexempt Employee, Nonresident Alien, November, OHSA, October, Office of Child Support Enforcement, On Call Time, Overtime, Owner's Equity, Pay cards, Payroll Period, Payroll Register, Payroll Source, Payroll Tax, Per Diem, Percentage Method, Premium Pay, Pretax, Profile, Qualified Plan, Qualifying Event, Reciprocity, Reconciliation, Regular Rate of Pay, Regulations, Retirement, Revenue, SUTA, Safe Harbor, Salary, Sarbanes Oxley, Saturday, Self Service, September, Severance Pay, Shift Differential, Simple Plan, Social Security, Social Security Number, Split Shift, Substantiation, Sunday, Supplemental Wages, TIN, Take Home Pay, Taxable Wages, Third Party Sick Pay, Thursday, Tuesday, USCIS, Unemployment, VOE, Vision Insurance, Voluntary, W2, Wage Attachment, Wage Hour Law, Wednesday, Withholding, Worker's Compensation, Workweek, Year End.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes
APA | Shift Differential | CPP | FPC | Nonresident Alien |
August | Annuity | Common Law | Wage Attachment | GASB |
On Call Time | Pretax | PAYROLL | Direct Deposit | Revenue |
Safe Harbor | Qualifying Event | Wage Hour Law | Payroll Register | External Audit |
Financial Statement | March | Doffing | Levy | Benefits |
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of
196 events.
401k Plan, 457b Plan, ACH, ADA, ADP, APA, ARRA, Account, Address, Adjustments, Adoption Assistance, After Tax, Annuity, April, Attachment, Attendance, August, Backup Withholding, Balance, Base Period, Benefit Ratio, Benefit Wage Ratio, Benefits, Bona Fide, Bonus, CIAPA, COBRA, COLA, CPA, CPP, Cafeteria Plan, Catch Up Contribution, Check 21, Child Support, Circular E, Common Law, Compensation, Compensatory Time, Constructive Payment, Control Group, Credentials, Credit, De Minimis, Debit, December, Deduction, Deferred Compensation, Defined Benefit, Dental Insurance, Dependent Care, Differential Pay, Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit, Disaster Recovery, Discrimination, Dismissal Pay, Disposable Earnings, Distribution, Doffing, Domestic Partner, Donning, E-Verify, EFT, EFTPS, EPA, Earned Income Credit, Education Assistance, Elective Deferral, Employee, Employer, Employer Identification Number, Enterprise Coverage, Excess Deferral, Exempt Employee, Expatriate, External Audit, FICA, FLSA, FMLA, FPC, FUTA, February, Federal Income Tax, Financial Statement, Flexible Spending Arrangement, Friday, Fringe Benefits, Furlough, GAAP, GASB, Garnishee, Garnishment, General Ledger, Golden Parachute, Grace Period, Green Card, Group Term Life Ins, HIPAA, HIRE Act, HRA, HSA, Holidays, I-9, IRS, Income Statement, Income Tax Treaties, Independent Contractor, Internal Audit, Internal Controls, Iowa, January, January 31, July, June, Jury Duty, Key Employee, Leased Employee, Levy, Liabilities, Life Insurance, Long Term Assignment, MSA, Making Work Pay Credit, March, May, Medical Insurance, Medicare, Military Pay, Minimum Wage, Monday, Multi State, Net Pay, New Hire Reporting, Nonaccountable Plan, Nonexempt Employee, Nonresident Alien, November, OHSA, October, Office of Child Support Enforcement, On Call Time, Overtime, Owner's Equity, Pay cards, Payroll Period, Payroll Register, Payroll Source, Payroll Tax, Per Diem, Percentage Method, Premium Pay, Pretax, Profile, Qualified Plan, Qualifying Event, Reciprocity, Reconciliation, Regular Rate of Pay, Regulations, Retirement, Revenue, SUTA, Safe Harbor, Salary, Sarbanes Oxley, Saturday, Self Service, September, Severance Pay, Shift Differential, Simple Plan, Social Security, Social Security Number, Split Shift, Substantiation, Sunday, Supplemental Wages, TIN, Take Home Pay, Taxable Wages, Third Party Sick Pay, Thursday, Tuesday, USCIS, Unemployment, VOE, Vision Insurance, Voluntary, W2, Wage Attachment, Wage Hour Law, Wednesday, Withholding, Worker's Compensation, Workweek, Year End.Host Instructions:- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
Goals:- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes