Download and Print LIVE PD Bingo Cards
Print 2 pages of LIVE PD Bingo Cards for free. Download a PDF with 2 free pages of bingo cards plus instructions and a randomized call sheet. Customize the events, add your own free space, change the BINGO header, or add a fun checkerboard, etc.
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LIVE PD Bingo Cards | | application/pdf | Game, Printable | All PDF Readers | "Boss","I Know My Rights","I ain't do nothing","I got my rights","I swear to god","Just got the car" Excuse,Abandoned Vehicle,Actin' A Fool,Alcohol,Ambulance,Arguing about why pulled over,Barking Dogs,Bathroom excuse,Be Honest,Beer,Beer Gut,Begging,Bicycle,Blood,Blue Door Motel,Bodily Fluid,Breathalyzer,Brick of Weed,Bro,Burglary,CSI,Camouflage,Car Chase,Child Neglect,Cocaine,Convict,Cop Take Down,Crying,Crying,DUI Test,Damage Police Car/Equipment,Dan Abrams Is "Pun"ny,Destroying Evidence,Detained,Domestic,Domestic Animal,Don't Film Me,Driving without a license,Drug Paraphernalia,Drugs Tossed,Drunk and Drunker,Expired License,Expired Tags,Farm Animal,Fight,Fire,Foot Chase,Frequent Flyer,Giftie,Goober Grazing,Good Samaritan,Gun Found,Handcuffed,Hands In Pocket,Hands On Head,Handshake,Helicopter,Hidden Drugs,Hit n Run,Hoopty,I've Had (Insert Drink #),In Studio Guest,Insulting the officer,K9 Used,Knife,Latex Gloves,Liar Liar,Littering,Live PD Shout Out,Medical Call,Meth,Meth Pipe,Missing Clothes,Moobs,Mouth Salad,Needle,No ID,No Lights,No seatbelt,Noise Complaint,Not My Car,Not My Drugs,Not my car,Obama Mart,On phone during stop,Open Container,Pet In Car,Pills,Probation,Probation,Refusing sobriety test,Riding Dirty,Riding Dirty Trifecta,Rights Read,Sagging Pants,Sagging pants,Scales,Search,Shots Fired,Slow driver,Spoon,Stolen Car,Stolen Vehicle,Stop Resisting!,Suspended license,Suspicious Vehicle,Suspicious person,Tag Light,Tased,Tattoos,Thank You,Touch Tail Light,Traffic Stop,Trespassing,Trying to intimidate officer,Tweaker,Underage Drinking,Vehicle Towed,Wad Of Cash,Warrant,Weed Found,Weed Pipe,Wild Animal,Wrong Way Driver
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LIVE PD Bingo Preview
Host Instructions:
- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
- First to get all squares
- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes