Customize GOALS BINGO Bingo Cards

Just like Grandma used to play, classic style BINGO! In this game of GOALS BINGO Bingo the squares have been randomized within specific columns. The first fifth of the squares go in column B, second fifth go in column I, then N, G, O!

Download 2 free pages of GOALS BINGO Bingo including instructions and a randomized call sheet.

One event per line:


GOALS BINGO Bingo Preview

sort & clean apt weekly WEDNESDAYpractice mental math weekly (use Monette's Refresher book)make an android app with MIT InventorTBDTBD
sew a simple dresslearn basic Portuguese with Duolingogo on a Weekly Artist Datewrite in my private blog everydayvisit Malaysia
walk more daily; finish at least 6 WQsget rid of 1 item i don't need or use every weekFREE GOAL!TBDvisit Costa Rica
sew a simple EDC bagbuy lotto every weekmake a vision board for every room in my apt - desing with scissorsTBDsee Mayon Volcano
add an item to my EBAY store weekly THURSDAYlearn to sight read musical notes (use Guitar)get a w3schools certificate on html 5TBDTBD
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 25 events.
Column B: sew a simple dress, sew a simple EDC bag, sort & clean apt weekly WEDNESDAY, walk more daily; finish at least 6 WQs, add an item to my EBAY store weekly THURSDAY
Column I: learn basic Portuguese with Duolingo, buy lotto every week, practice mental math weekly (use Monette's Refresher book), learn to sight read musical notes (use Guitar), get rid of 1 item i don't need or use every week
Column N: send the balikbayan box this year, make an android app with MIT Inventor, get a w3schools certificate on html 5, make a vision board for every room in my apt - desing with scissors, go on a Weekly Artist Date
Column G: write in my private blog everyday, TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD
Column O: TBD, TBD, visit Costa Rica, visit Malaysia, see Mayon Volcano

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
add an item to my EBAY store weekly THURSDAYlearn basic Portuguese with Duolingogo on a Weekly Artist DateTBDsee Mayon Volcano
sew a simple dressget rid of 1 item i don't need or use every weekmake a vision board for every room in my apt - desing with scissorsTBDTBD
sew a simple EDC baglearn to sight read musical notes (use Guitar)FREE GOAL!write in my private blog everydayvisit Costa Rica
walk more daily; finish at least 6 WQspractice mental math weekly (use Monette's Refresher book)make an android app with MIT InventorTBDvisit Malaysia
sort & clean apt weekly WEDNESDAYbuy lotto every weeksend the balikbayan box this yearTBDTBD
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 25 events.
Column B: sew a simple dress, sew a simple EDC bag, sort & clean apt weekly WEDNESDAY, walk more daily; finish at least 6 WQs, add an item to my EBAY store weekly THURSDAY
Column I: learn basic Portuguese with Duolingo, buy lotto every week, practice mental math weekly (use Monette's Refresher book), learn to sight read musical notes (use Guitar), get rid of 1 item i don't need or use every week
Column N: send the balikbayan box this year, make an android app with MIT Inventor, get a w3schools certificate on html 5, make a vision board for every room in my apt - desing with scissors, go on a Weekly Artist Date
Column G: write in my private blog everyday, TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD
Column O: TBD, TBD, visit Costa Rica, visit Malaysia, see Mayon Volcano

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes