Customize Fantasy Movies Bingo Cards

Do you love watching movies and Fantasy Movies?! Turn on that TV, pop some popcorn, and turn your event into a party with these Fantasy Movies bingo cards. Download 2 free pages of Fantasy Movies Bingo including instructions and a randomized call sheet.

One event per line:


Fantasy Movies Bingo Preview

Jason and the ArgonautsPirates of the CaribbeanPan's LabyrinthCoralineDune
Crouching Tiger Hidden DragonHarry PotterLabyrinthThe Lord of the Rings TrilogyUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
The Chronicles of NarniaThe NeverEnding StoryFREEThe Dark CrystalThe Green Knight
The Princess BrideThe Wizard of OzSpirited AwayThe Shape of WaterJumanji
Inside OutWhere the Wild Things AreFantasiaEdward ScissorhandsAlice in Wonderland
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 30 events.
Alice in Wonderland, Big Fish, Bridge to Terabithia, Conan the Barbarian, Coraline, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Dune, Edward Scissorhands, Excalibur, Fantasia, Harry Potter, Inside Out, Jason and the Argonauts, Jumanji, Labyrinth, Mary Poppins, Pan's Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek, Spirited Away, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Dark Crystal, The Green Knight, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The NeverEnding Story, The Princess Bride, The Shape of Water, The Wizard of Oz, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Where the Wild Things Are.

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
The Princess BrideSpirited AwayThe Lord of the Rings TrilogyCoralineWhere the Wild Things Are
The Shape of WaterThe Green KnightAlice in WonderlandJason and the ArgonautsEdward Scissorhands
FantasiaThe Wizard of OzFREEConan the BarbarianPirates of the Caribbean
Harry PotterPan's LabyrinthLabyrinthExcaliburShrek
The Chronicles of NarniaInside OutBig FishJumanjiUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 30 events.
Alice in Wonderland, Big Fish, Bridge to Terabithia, Conan the Barbarian, Coraline, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Dune, Edward Scissorhands, Excalibur, Fantasia, Harry Potter, Inside Out, Jason and the Argonauts, Jumanji, Labyrinth, Mary Poppins, Pan's Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek, Spirited Away, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Dark Crystal, The Green Knight, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The NeverEnding Story, The Princess Bride, The Shape of Water, The Wizard of Oz, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Where the Wild Things Are.

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an "X")
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout "Bingo!". You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes